Wine Decanter
Wine Decanter
Wine Decanter
Wine Decanter
Wine Decanter
Wine Decanter

Wine Decanter

$30.00 - $50.00
Glass wine decanter with aerator. The unique aerating system allows the wine to breathe as it is decanted and works as a pourer so you don't waste a drop.
With this carafe you can decant your red wine. Decanting is nothing more than pouring the wine from the bottle into a carafe. This is done for a few reasons: First is to make the wine ''breath''. Oxygen has a positive effect on both the taste and the scent of wines, especially young red wines. The tannins will be softened and thus the taste of the wine will be softened. A second reason is to remove the sediment. This is only found in wine that is older than 8-10 years and makes the wine taste bitter.
Product Size: 210mm (h) x 190mm (Diameter)
Decoration Area:
Pad: 45mm diameter - Timber stopper
Decoration Methods: Pad / Engrave

Price range based on minimum order quantity of 100 pcs. 

Please note that the price ranges shown above are indicative only and are based on large quantity orders and must not be considered as the final quoted price. Please contact us if your order quantity is lower/higher than the quantity mentioned above. Pricing may not include branding. Product features listed against each item are as per claims from their manufacturers/suppliers.

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